Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The Nanny

Sometimes I look back and wonder why I made what in hindsight are horrendous decisions. I have made some really bad ones when it comes to women in my life. The mistakes I made are in the end all worth it because it led me to Joyce. But, man did I make some bad choices along the way. Looking back at all of my bad experiences with the fairer sex, without a doubt my decision to date a nut job in my ex over this nice sweet girl, Jenna was one of the worst.

I had met Jenna via a setup. Now, I had never been set up before or was never set up again after that. Jenna was a nanny who was originally from Utah. She did not know anyone in Chicago. She was a nanny for this little boy who had the mis-fortune to be born to a doctor mother and a lawyer father.

She basically had her own apartment in their house in Burr Ridge. (The house was a fucking mansion. I have never been in a house this big before or since.) This was 1996. I was in a weird place dating wise at the time. It would be two years before I would meet Joyce and I had been broken up with Jenny for about two years. (Even though we had, a couple of rekindling moments, nothing stuck.) I was literally playing the field and enjoying my single status. When I was approached about meeting Jenna, I was not exactly enthusiastic.

My first thought was, how come she needs to be set up. My second thought was how come people think I need to be setup. I mean did I seem that desperate? I saw no picture of her, but with the premise of she is a nice girl and just take her out as friends and see what happens. I decided what could it hurt.

At first, I figured, she is from Utah and a nanny, she must be a Mormon. I was assured that she was not. So, got her phone number and called her. We talked over the phone and she seemed nice. So, we made a date to meet. Jenna was not a bad looking girl. She was German, had light brown hair, a pretty smile and was very, very wholesome. That was the problem.

At the time I was twenty six and she was twenty two. Not a big age difference but in experience there was a huge difference. She had one boyfriend her whole life that she meet in 8th grade and dated until she moved to Illinois. They had broken up and that led her to her decision to leave her small town as it was all too much to deal with being in that close proximity to her old flame. (Or at least that is what she told me.)

So, she had been with one guy her whole life and was on the rebound from him. Not an ideal situation in the least. Still, she was extremely sweet and had a charming personality. But, to say she was naive would be a huge understatement. It was like she was from a whole different world. She got none of my references and her taste in music was brutal as was her taste in movies. (We once went to the movies and saw Celtic Pride because she wanted to see it. We were the only two people in the theatre.)

Now, I know how this sounds but, you need to have at least some common ground when it comes to likes and dislikes. I mean sure Joyce and I have big differences when it comes to movies from time to time, but we can always open a paper and find a couple of movies we want to see. (It doesn’t hurt that Joyce has a kind of warped sense of humor and likes action movies.)

She liked country music and lame movies. (She was also a big fan of Disney films and merchandise.) Still, we went out a number of times and she actually liked me. (Might have been that her pool of talent to meet guys was small.) At the time that I was kind of seeing her, I also met the girl I would eventually pick over Jenna. I was kind of seeing them both for a couple weeks, and knew I was going to have to make a choice and live with it. At the time, I just felt that Jenna was too wholesome for my depraved ass. So, I made my decision with I admit the wrong head.

We went out probably like ten to fifteen times. I won’t go into specifics but things never got as physical as I thought they should have at that point in our relationship. I mean she would invite me to her house on a Friday night and we would wind up playing scrabble for Christ’s sake. Where I come from you don’t invite a guy over to your house on a Friday night to play board games unless it is Twister.

In retrospect I know I was kind of an asshole. I finally got tired of her and instead of properly breaking up with her, I just stopped calling and stopped answering the phone when she came up on caller ID. I realize the relationship was never going to go anywhere but, I still owed her a proper explanation. Her last message to me, made me feel really bad. Instead of ripping me which she had every right to do, she took the high road. Which for someone that was four years younger then me speaks volumes of where we where maturity wise.

So, all of these years later I kind of feel bad about it. I understand that I was an asshole to more women then just her, but of all of them she deserved it the least. I am sure she is over it as I realize I am not, that charming. But still I always felt bad about how I treated her. I hope she is doing well and found someone that treated her as she deserved to be treated.


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