Friday, January 28, 2005

Can't Stop Eating 'Em

I admit I get on my soapbox a little to often. I try to fight the good fight and it often leads to me talking when I should not. I have a hard time letting my true feelings stay hidden. My latest cause is that of Jay’s Potato Chips.

I have always preferred Jays to Lays chips as any self respecting Chicagoan should. I never gave it much thought and when I went in the chip aisle I put Jays in the cart and moved on. Sure, I would chow on the occasional bag of Doritos or Funyons here and there, however that has all changed.

This summer Lay’s came out with an advertisement in Chicago proclaiming Chicagoans preferred the taste of Lays to Jay’s. The first thought upon hearing this that popped into my mind was, bullshit. Jay’s must have also thought it was bullshit as they sued Lay’s asking them to produce the results of a taste test they claimed they had done. Lay’s could not produce the results and had to remove all of the advertising.

All of this pissed me off enough to force me to boycott all Lay’s products. I guess it is not enough that they monopolize 90% of the market share when it comes to salty snacks. They had to go after a Chicago based treasure like Jay’s. Lay’s makes sweetheart deals with all the major grocers in the United States to grab as much shelf space of your chips aisle as they can. If I go into a Jewel or Dominick’s in Chicago, 90% of the aisle is reserved for Frito Lay products. That is on top on the two display end caps that they have as well. Jay’s and Vitners (Another Chicago based chip company) are forced to fight for the remaining scraps of shelf space left in the store.

The end result of this is that now, I make sure to buy a bag of Jay’s chips or pretzels, (or Pork Rinds) everytime I go to the store. I also, have not had a Dorito, Cheeto, Frito, or Funyoun in months. I always get very provincial about Chicago based companies and try to support as many of them as I can. Civic pride is a rare thing nowadays and I want to do all as I can as a Chicagoan to promote Chicago based companies, like Jays chips. So many other small companies have been beaten into submission by big corporate bullies that I want to try to make sure that the few remaining can survive.

So, I ask all of those reading this who live in the Chicago area to join me and promote a good Chicago company. Also, Sears, Pepsi, Mc Donald’s, Vitner’s, are just some of the other Chicago based companies we should try to promote as well as all the small impendent pizza and hot dog shacks residing in our town. Chicago has tons privately owned hot dog stands that we take for granted. Take pride and treasure them. As a Chicagoan, you have a responsibility to promote Chicago business. If our economy is healthy that can only benefit the citizens of what to me is the greatest city in the world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since me and Catie had no school today, me and her had lunch, her with a bag of Lays and me with Jays. She said Lays were better. I was disappointed.

12:53 PM  
Blogger ZombieDante said...

There is no reason to support McDonalds, regardless of where they are from.

5:53 PM  
Blogger 10withmop said...

Vince, I have to kindly disagree. Yes, I to hate McDonalds. I have not eaten a Mickey D's burger in years however, I do enjoy the breakfasts. Is the food good for you, of course not. No, one has ever argued that, and that is the problem I had with supersize me.

Of course that food is bad for you. It would be like drinking only beer for a month and seeing the results. Of course you are going to seriously jeopardize your personal health in doing so.

McDonald’s does not sell health food and it has never claimed to. It sells cheap tasteless burgers. It is no better or worse than any fast food establishment.

3:28 PM  

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