Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Phonies

I have always felt that the Oscars are for women and gay men. For us remaining men in the hetero column, there is very little interest. I see the Oscars for what they are, a big popularity contest. With the winner giving a speech that would make you think they just found a cure for cancer. On top of all that, I rarely agree with the winners. So, I usually skip the event altogether.

This year, Chris Rock, who is a favorite of mine was hosting. So, I figured I would catch the opening monologue and then drift off into something else. Rock, was funny, but was muted. He couldn’t be the full on assault that he usually is, so I have to question why he even agreed to host. He did have his moments like when he introduced Halle Berry, as “And soon to be appearing in Catwoman 2, Halle Berry.”

Other than the few Rock moments, the show was awful. I guess I will never understand America’s fascination with celebrities. I mean, who cares who is screwing who in Thistledown. Who wants to watch all these phonies, dressed to the nine’s figuratively blow each other all night? Not me that’s for sure.

As for the awards themselves they are complete bullshit. It’s a big popularity contest and the awards are usually lifetime achievement awards. Does, anyone truly believe that Al Pachino gave his best performance in Scent of a Woman? I guess I realized the pointlessness of it all in 1991 when Dances With Wolves won Best Picture over Goodfella’s. I could not for the life of me compute how anyone could have seen both movies and felt Dances with Wolves was a better film. After that I stopped giving a shit.

So, as the Oscar hoopla is coming down I say thank god. We have more and more awards shows every year and the more of them they have the more diluted they all feel. All these Awards shows are based on opinions. It is hard to argue your opinion of some movie versus someone else’s. What one-person gets out of a movie may not be what another person gets. Which is all the more reason why the Oscars are a complete waste of time.


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