Monday, December 05, 2005

Some More Netflix Reviews

Here are some more mini-reviews form the last five movies I got from Netflix.

Team America: World Police – An uneven movie. There were scenes were I was laughing my ass off and then there was a lot of times when I wanted to fast forward it. All in all I can’t say that I really liked it.

Hotel Rwanda – In a word, depressing. A well made film with a great story and a great performance by Don Chedale. It is a very good movie but one that I will never want to sit through again. Still I recommend it because I think the story needs to be told.

Audition – Asia has been putting out the best horror movies over the last five to ten years. So, when I heard about how good this movie was from others, I was excited. While, the torture scene is something to see, over all I was a bit disappointed. Still it is worth a rental for that scene alone.

The Brown Bunny – A horrible, horrible piece of shit. If your idea of a good movie is watching someone drive in a car with no action what so ever then rent this movie. A complete waste of time, unless you want to see Chloe Sevingny give Vincent Gallo a hummer.

Me and You and Everyone We Know – I kind of liked this one. An offbeat movie with some quirky characters in it. I didn’t expect much but while viewing it I kind of got sucked in and wound up enjoying it. So, I would recommend this one.


Blogger joyceakajocelyn said...

Me and you was a better movie than I thought it would be. I must have put it in the que because it was a new release and it won the sundance. Good choice if you like Lost in translation or punch drunk love.

2:58 PM  

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