Friday, March 24, 2006

A No Vote

In this past Tuesdays primary I did something that I had never done before. I voted against a school referendum. When it comes to schools I always vote to give them more money. However, this situation was different. Moraine Valley Community College, a school that I attended at one time was asking for voters to approve a $60 a year hike in their property taxes to pay for some improvements. As I said above, as much as it pained me I had to vote no.

Now, I usually am all for schools getting more money. As a matter of fact last year I voted to give the elementary school in my district some more money so they wouldn’t have to dump art and music class. I realize that I don’t have kids but I feel that I am getting something for my money. These are the kids that I am going to be depending on when I get older. I want them to have the best education possible because when I get old I don’t want a bunch of morons walking around to take care of my ass. I want to live in an area where kids are learning and therefore will give back to the community by becoming doctor’s, nurses, or lawyers.

So, in that vein I have always said yes to give money to schools. However, when Moraine asked for more money I was taken aback. Moraine had just spent all this money to build a new gym, then a new football field, their computer lab is state of the art and they have this humongous theatre on campus. Also, they just spent all this money building a new entrance just so they could change their address.

All of this made me think to myself, maybe if you would have spent the money you had a little wiser you wouldn’t be in this pickle. Moraine wants to build a new student center and they want to add more teachers and build on to an existing building so that they can add more classrooms. Those are all fine ideas and I am all for them, but why didn’t the board of trustees spend the money they had on that instead of a new entrance?

So, I thought it over and I came to the conclusion that I could not in good faith give that school more money. I mean it is a college and kids choose to go there. Why not raise the tuition, which is still pretty reasonable, to get the funds? Well, I guess most people disagreed with me because the referendum barely passed.

With all that said, I am not pissed that it passed. Sixty bucks a year is not going to kill me. I don’t want this to come off as some rant that turns me into a cold hearted Republican that has a worldview that extends as far as their own wallet. I am still a liberal Democrat and I always will be. I just want to make sure that if I vote to give a school some money that they spend it wisely. There needs to be some fiscal responsibility on the part of said school. I mean did Moraine really need to build a new football field?

In the future I doubt very much that I will vote against a school referendum. For the most part schools need the money and I truly believe in extra-curricular actives like sports and drama being offered in school. If that takes a little out of my pocketbook, it doesn’t bother me. I am all for kids having a choice. With that said, I am going to remember this. Moraine Valley had better put this new money to good use. If I see that they continue to waste it by building a new golf range or something of the effect then I will be very pissed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, all of a sudden you're a home owner and you're voting against schools?? Better watch it you're starting to show your conservative side with comments about fiscal responsibility. I too have never voted against a school issue until last year. Our district wanted to raise taxes by 9.7 mils which equates to a $400 per year increase on my property tax. After the measure failed in Novemeber 2004, the district put it on a ballot again for February 2005. They held taxpayer meetings, which I attended, to try and defend their position and take questions. When I asked why we did not introduced a "pay for play" fee for athletics I was soundly booed, called a conservative nut and selfish. Look, not all kids play sports, and I love sports as you know but at what price? I asked for a senior citizen exemption and was told that would be difficult to implement in such a short time. All I got was a bunch of hooey and scare tactics that little Johnnie won't be able to play soccer anymore if the levy failed. Guess what? It failed again. So, they placed it on the ballot for May 2005! This time arounf they hired a consultant headed by a guy named Saxton who runs a real estate firm here in town. Lo and behold it passed, lo and behold, Saxon's wife who is a district administrator got a promotion!! Gee, how coincidental! BTW, I voted for thei thing the tird time around as I want kids to have a good eduacation, even though my taxes have increased $400 per year..........think about that, one fell swoop, $400 per year. Well guess what? the levy passed less tha a year ago and now they need MORE money. It seems the schoiol district improperly violated a tax abatement promised to a new Wal Mart Distibution Center and now Wal Mart wants their money back. Great corporate citizenship huh! the bottom line is the dolts running the schools here are just that. It is a keystone cop adventure with these people. In the meantime, my taxes go up, senior citizens have to eat dog food and the kids still run amock.

8:52 AM  
Blogger 10withmop said...

Owning a home and voting no, had nothing to do with each other. Like I said last year, when I was a homeowner I voted for the tax hike.

This was a different case in that I didn't feel they spent the money wisely. Like I said, to have never had it is one thing but, to have had it and never use it is another.

Also, I am strongly against pay for play programs. There is no way low-income families can afford to pay for them. These are the same kids who would benefit the most from after school sports activities. Even Republicans I would hope could see the benefit of having a kid play basketball after school as opposed to doing nothing to occupy their free time

10:33 AM  

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