These Things I Believe
Here are my two-minute opinions on ten current hot button issues. Opinions are like ass-holes as everyone has one. However, there is nothing wrong with having strong feelings and sticking up for them. So here goes and again, I readily admit that I am over-simplifying a lot of these solutions.
Gay Marriage – I for one could care less if gay men or women want to get married. I just don’t understand why this bothers people. Us heterosexuals have done enough to sully the institution that maybe the gay community can restore some pride in it.
Abortion – A woman’s choice pure and simple. It seems to me these anti-abortion zealots care more about an unborn fetus than an actual living breathing human being. If you don’t want to have an abortion then don’t. To get up all in some one else’s grill about it just seems wrong.
Stem Cell Research – If this is what the scientific community feels is a gateway to helping in finding cures for cancer, parkinson's and other deliberating diseases why would anyone be against it? Sometimes I wonder just how we got to be such a puritanical Christian land, where back-assed centuries old nonsense and half assed “logic” mandates law. What truly unenlightened times we live in.
Gun Control – Hey keep your shotgun for all I care. However, there is no need to make armor piercing bullets and semi-automatic weapons. Yes, we need to take them out of criminal’s hands so I say we stop producing them.
Right to Die – It is every person’s right to die. If one chooses to bow out gracefully than by all means one should be allowed to. For all the small government preaching of the right, I don’t get why they would want the fed’s to tell you how to die. I don’t know that kind of sounds like a flip-flop.
War In Iraq – Just proves how small of an attention span America has. We were told we went to war because Iraq had WMD’s. They did not, so the story changed that we went to war to fight Terrorism and remove an evil dictator. The truth is that we went into Iraq with no plan and like everything Bush does no way to pay for it. It has been a year and a half since he claimed “Mission Accomplished” how come the liberal media hasn’t called him on to the carpet on that? With all that said we are there and we made this mess so we owe it to the people in Iraq to at least attempt to wipe our own ass.
Capital Punishment – This is a tricky one. As for me I would much rather die than have to go to prison and get ass raped for the rest of my life. In the state of Illinois we have had a number of cases with innocent men on death row that fortunately were freed before they met the gas chamber. The reason and argument I hear most is that the death penalty deters crime. However, there is no evidence that it does. So, instead of being barbaric as the criminals themselves, I say we eliminate the death penalty and make life as much as a living hell as we can for the murders and rapists of the world.
Entertainment and Violence – Another misguided attempt by the knee jerk reactors of the world. Blaming Movies, music or TV for the ills of society is such a waste of time. Instead of looking at the real problem, the simple minded waste valuable time ignoring the real issues. Stop letting TV raise you kid and go out and teach them right from wrong. That is how we are going to stop violence. By banning shows that adults want to watch because some kid might see it is moronic and mis-guided.
The Patriot Act – In all the fear and war mongering that went on right after 9-11 there is nothing worse or more obscene then the “Patriot Act.” I understand that we have to give up some civil liberties to fight terror. However, law enforcement at every level in this country is abusing these powers to get around to finding out information that should be private. There are so many atrocities contained in this, that time does not allow me to list them all.
Prayer in School – Listen, if you want to designate a two-minute individual time where students can choose to pray then I see no harm in that. However, to have a teacher led classroom prayer, well I am dead set against that. I am an atheist. Therefore, I should not be made to pray if I don’t want to. If you really want your kids to pray then send them to a religious school, where they can learn al about Adam and Eve and how to properly create an abortion protest sign.
Gay Marriage – I for one could care less if gay men or women want to get married. I just don’t understand why this bothers people. Us heterosexuals have done enough to sully the institution that maybe the gay community can restore some pride in it.
Abortion – A woman’s choice pure and simple. It seems to me these anti-abortion zealots care more about an unborn fetus than an actual living breathing human being. If you don’t want to have an abortion then don’t. To get up all in some one else’s grill about it just seems wrong.
Stem Cell Research – If this is what the scientific community feels is a gateway to helping in finding cures for cancer, parkinson's and other deliberating diseases why would anyone be against it? Sometimes I wonder just how we got to be such a puritanical Christian land, where back-assed centuries old nonsense and half assed “logic” mandates law. What truly unenlightened times we live in.
Gun Control – Hey keep your shotgun for all I care. However, there is no need to make armor piercing bullets and semi-automatic weapons. Yes, we need to take them out of criminal’s hands so I say we stop producing them.
Right to Die – It is every person’s right to die. If one chooses to bow out gracefully than by all means one should be allowed to. For all the small government preaching of the right, I don’t get why they would want the fed’s to tell you how to die. I don’t know that kind of sounds like a flip-flop.
War In Iraq – Just proves how small of an attention span America has. We were told we went to war because Iraq had WMD’s. They did not, so the story changed that we went to war to fight Terrorism and remove an evil dictator. The truth is that we went into Iraq with no plan and like everything Bush does no way to pay for it. It has been a year and a half since he claimed “Mission Accomplished” how come the liberal media hasn’t called him on to the carpet on that? With all that said we are there and we made this mess so we owe it to the people in Iraq to at least attempt to wipe our own ass.
Capital Punishment – This is a tricky one. As for me I would much rather die than have to go to prison and get ass raped for the rest of my life. In the state of Illinois we have had a number of cases with innocent men on death row that fortunately were freed before they met the gas chamber. The reason and argument I hear most is that the death penalty deters crime. However, there is no evidence that it does. So, instead of being barbaric as the criminals themselves, I say we eliminate the death penalty and make life as much as a living hell as we can for the murders and rapists of the world.
Entertainment and Violence – Another misguided attempt by the knee jerk reactors of the world. Blaming Movies, music or TV for the ills of society is such a waste of time. Instead of looking at the real problem, the simple minded waste valuable time ignoring the real issues. Stop letting TV raise you kid and go out and teach them right from wrong. That is how we are going to stop violence. By banning shows that adults want to watch because some kid might see it is moronic and mis-guided.
The Patriot Act – In all the fear and war mongering that went on right after 9-11 there is nothing worse or more obscene then the “Patriot Act.” I understand that we have to give up some civil liberties to fight terror. However, law enforcement at every level in this country is abusing these powers to get around to finding out information that should be private. There are so many atrocities contained in this, that time does not allow me to list them all.
Prayer in School – Listen, if you want to designate a two-minute individual time where students can choose to pray then I see no harm in that. However, to have a teacher led classroom prayer, well I am dead set against that. I am an atheist. Therefore, I should not be made to pray if I don’t want to. If you really want your kids to pray then send them to a religious school, where they can learn al about Adam and Eve and how to properly create an abortion protest sign.
I did not mean to make you pray when we had our house, cars and garage blessed by the priest. I forgot there are always prayers to perform before the actually blessing occurs. Thank you for participating. What about all those times you carried the statue of St. Joseph to the church, or when we got married in the catholic church, for goodness sake. Are you really an atheist?
I don't have a problem participating in those events because I know they are important to you and others I care about. But, as for my own belief's I don't no if there is a God and I cannot just pray to something that I have no proof actually exists.
I realize it takes faith. Well, then I guess I have no faith. So, if that makes me an atheist, well then that is what I am. I guess I feel that if I live my life without casing others harm and lead a good life then, if there is a heaven I will be allowed in. Life is way to short to live under some church's guidelines. I like to think for myself and in organized religion that sort of radical behavior is not tolerated.
I agree with everything. My thoughts:
Gay Marriage – There is no reason to oppose this. No one has given me a compelling reason against gay marriage.
Abortion – A tricky issue, I know but it is a person’s right to choose, plain enough. Abortion is pragmatic.
Stem Cell Research – Would people feel differently about this issue if they had cancer?
Gun Control – A joke and it really needs to be tighter. My best friend in high school’s father sold guns out of his bedroom for christ’s sake. I could have gotten a gun in 2 minutes if I’d wanted.
Right to Die – Kevorkian was a humane man.
War In Iraq – Pointless.
Capital Punishment – The best solution we have come up which proves what an unevoled soicety we are.
Entertainment and Violence – Nothing new. Ridiculous to scream against.
The Patriot Act – Giving up a civil libverty for what? Once they are given up they are not readily returned. It is invasive and runs contrary to our founding principals.
Prayer in School – Unnecessary. Again, if it’s a religious school, like mine was, sure, you ought to expect it. But otherwise… well, I quote the Simpson’s: “God has no place within these walls. Just like facts have no place in organizaed relgion.
Nick, I think from being around you and Vince so much has really made me think about it, and I really am an atheist to. I always knew people would say stuff and make jokes and catholicism, and me and my friend were talking one day and that came up, and we both decided that everyone is right, its so damn confusing and theres too many rules, so we don't like it. And I personally don't know if there is a God, but I think maybe theres something, perhaps.
Who could it be? Could it be, Satan? Making you say those things.
Man, where do begin?
Gay Marriage-- Civil unions would suffice. Isn't that a good compromise?? And offer them to all people not just homesexuals.
Abortion----Roe is NEVER going to be overturned so I wish the libs would stop worrying about it. That said, we should be ashamed that we use abortion as a birth control method. We should do everything we can to limit abortions and not be so cavalier when taking a potential life.
Stem Cell---not educated enough to form a knowlegeable opinion.
Gun Control---I see no need for semi-automatic weapons but we better be careful if we ban guns. Control them? I am all for that.
Right to die- I agree, pull the plug if ones chooses. Just don't pull it on me....keep me plugged in because with my luck, the day after the plug is pulled they'll come out with a cure for what I had.
War in Irag---you over simplify. This topic is way to complicated. I'm tired of the "Bush lied, kids died, Halliburton" rants eminating from the left. EVERYBODY thought there were WMDs in Iraq....even Lord God Almighty Big Bill Blow Job Clinton.
Capital Punishment-- kill 'em all. It sure deters that particular dead idiot from killing again. Kill for the right reasons....just like abortionist clainm they kill for the right reasons. Ya can't have it both ways. These assholes are PROVEN criminals. Murder in the first should mean death to Smoochy et al.
Violence in Media-- not a big believer in this but repeated doses of violence does tend to desensitize. Look at me, I have watchrd so many damn horror movies in my life that nothing in movies really scares me anymore. I hope that is not a weak analogy.
Patriot Act-- I do not feel my rights have been infringed. How so you?
Prayer in School---what's the big deal?? Pray if ya want to but I agree it should not be forced upon non believers. (even though they sure need it)
A couple of things.
Gay Marriage - You know what they should not have to compromise. Offering anything less then marriage is telling them you are not worthy of the institution of marriage. I'm sorry there is absolutely no reason to not allow gay's to marry.
Yes it sucks that abortion is used as a form of birth control. However, the main issue continues to be that it is a woman's right to do what she wants with her body. That out weighs everything else when it comes to this issue. To say that Roe V. Wade is never going to be turned over is talking in absolutes. I personally don’t think it will get overturned. I also never thought that a two second nipple shot would lead to the levels of censorship we know are forced to live under.
On the war, our government told us that Iraq was an eminent threat. Well, they were wrong. Now, if I were wrong about something, I would be man enough to admit it. Instead Bush just changed the reason why we went there. Do you think those 2,000 Americans who died, did so for a noble and just cause? Would your tune change if Vince and I were over there in Iraq? I'm sorry there was no need for this senseless war and if Clinton would have lead us into I would have said the same damn thing.
Again, as a civilized society it is barbaric. I still think I’d rather die then live life in prison. If you want to talk about cleaning up the penal system, then I bet we would find a lot of common ground.
The point to the Patriot act is that now the government can look at what books you take out of the library, they can spy on you with out your knowledge without having just cause. I'm sorry I don't want to live in a country with cameras on every corner and the government knowing my business. It is bullshit, pure and simple.
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