Here I Go Again
HMO’s – Is there a bigger scam on the earth then HMO’s. There is nothing more irritating then trying to go see a specialist if you belong to an HMO. First, you have to make an appointment three months in advance to see your Primary Care Physician. Then pay the co-pay to get his OK to go see the specialist. After another three month back log of appointments you might be able to see a real doctor sometime before the next election. I have a bad knee and whenever people ask why I don’t get it fixed, I simply want to say, I don’t feel like dealing with the aggravation of my insurance company bullshit.
Barb Wire Tattoo’s – You know the tattoo of barbwire along some mongoloid’s tricep. If there is anything lamer or more un-original then that, I would love to know. Wow, you guys are real men and oh so macho. I tell you what, put some real barbwire around your arm and them come talk me. Until then keep taking your roids, until your balls completely shrivel up into your sack and stop polluting the world with your over testosterone induced rampages.
Christmas Displays in September – I bitch about this every year and yet, every year it pisses me off more and more. What is it in this country where we need to start celebrating the most annoying and trying holiday of them all for three fucking months. Isn’t it bad enough that you over jingle the lot of us with your false merriment and hypocritical giving? I’ll let you guys have December but this September Christmas crap is to fucking early. It totally ruins Halloween and Thanksgiving, which are much cooler holidays to begin with. Please stop this already.
Finger Licking – Nothing grosses me out more then watching some fat tub of goo, disgustingly licking the remaining barbecue sauce off of their fat fingers instead of simply taking a napkin and wiping them clean. I realize cleanliness and appearance are not high priorities for these elephants but working a napkin does not take a college education. Please stop making the rest of society nauseous with your piggish behavior.
Old Men With Ponytails – Nothing quite says mid life crisis then some grayish ponytail. Listen, you are old and you are no longer cool and hip. Get used to it. Teenage girls don’t want you anymore (unless you have money) and by trying to be something you are not is really annoying. Get an adult haircut, celebrate your age, and stop trying to hang on to your long gone youth.
Jon Bon Jovi – You know there were a lot of bad late 80’s metal bands. Most of them realized that they did indeed suck and went far away and started digging ditches were they belonged. However, this asshole must not have gotten that memo. He has written the unforgettable line, “I’m a cowboy on the steel horse I ride” and so many other ridiculously bad songs that time does not allow me to list them all. This guy is a complete and utter hack and it is to bad that he is still around while good musicians have to struggle to make it in mainstream society.
The NBA dress code – What an overtly racist policy. Let me get this straight. White people don’t like their NBA players wearing gold chains and baggy pants so, we force them to sanitize their look so that white America no longer fears these players. What the fuck does wearing a suit have to do with playing basketball? If you don’t like what a player does off the court then too fucking bad. Would you like every moment of your private life scrutinized and looked over with a magnifying glass? All a fan should care about is a player’s conduct and play on the court. All the other stuff is someone’s private business. Forcing someone to wear something is bullshit, plain and simple.
Golf Assholes – I have long stated that you will find a higher concentration of assholes on a golf course, then anywhere else on planet earth. I like playing golf but I hate golfers. A bunch of elitist white rich guys who spend a thousand dollars on a golf club and ten’s of thousands in bunkered up country clubs. If you have ever come across one of these pricks you know exactly what I am talking about. They look down of everything and everyone and feel they are above everyone. They are jut pure scum.
European Dance Music – First of all I hesitate to call this crap music. It is more like synthesized, repetitive, processed noise. I know I am old and it is a cliché to rip on younger generations music but this is pure drivel. It adds nothing and only the dullest and lamest pallets could possibly get into it. I try to find the good in any form of music, even country but this rubbish is without one redeeming factor.
Once again, you provide goes:
HMO's are a curse...I am all for a national health care system if one can be truly safe, organized and attainable. Problem is, there ain't one government program that isn't rife with fraud etc. I don't thnink there is an easy answer to this problem...oh wait, Hillary will take care of it when she ids president, silly me. On a serious note...get you knee fixed now while you are young.
Tatto's in general are silly...except my dear son Vince's, and this barb wire deal seems a bit over exposed. Christ, Pamela Anderson has one!
Christmas? You do not have to worry, the ACLU will succeed in banning Christmas from retail stores very soon as well as public installations. And I like giving gifts and do not feel it is hypocritical. I do agree with you, however, that this shit starts waayyy tooo early. Halloween a Turkey Day really do get screwed.
Finger licking?? I admit I am a fatist. I cannot stand to be in a restaurant where fat people are scarfing down like it was their last meal. It really sickens me to watch this display of over indulgence and that is why you will never ever see me at a buffet.....
Balding old men with rat tails/pony tails are a even worse. Can't grow it up front so let's have the last whimper of folicules produce a growth down to my ass. Their dicks are dead so they think hair makes them look virile.
I like the song "Wanted, Dead or Alive."
NBA dress code is a good idea. Look, these guys are professioanls and no matter what, they are role models for kids. This gansta rap shit culture is just promoting bad behavior. I have to wear certain stuff on the job and I would guess you do as well. Why should the NBA be exempt?? When they travel, do interviews et al, they are ON THE JOB. Ain't no racism can you say that when there are an ever increasing number of white foreign players?? Not to mention Asians?? All have to comply with the is that racist?? That word is lethal and its casual use just diminishes its meaning.
Golf is stupid, period. Maybe when I am old enough I will start playing.
I have no idea what European dance music is.....but the macarena was catchy tune.
You think health care could be any more corrupt with the government running it then it already is?
As for the NBA thing, 80% of the NBA is black. So, there are some overtly racist tones to making NBA players sanitize their looks to adapt to what is viewed as "professional."
I have never been for dress codes be it school, work, or Nazi Germany. Judging somebody by their dress is never a good idea and that is how stereotypes get formed. It is someone’s right in a free country to express themselves through their wardrobe.
The bigger question is then, where do we stop. How about we ban, tattoo’s and piercing's next. Then we measure the back of their hair to make sure it isn't to long. It's 2005 again, what someone where off the court on a bus or in an interview room has nothing to do with someone's ability to play basketball.
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