Thanks For Nothing
They say you should not speak when you are angry. I guess that means that you should not write a blog when you are angry as well as I may regret later what I am writing. However to get the optimal effect of how pissed off I am I think I should write this now and I don’t care about any repercussions any more.
I tend to try not to write too much about work stuff on here because you never know who may stumble on this blog. A simple google search on my name would probably display this vanity site. So, except for the occasional rant here and there, I’ve tried to keep this site free of workplace bullshit and I never badmouth co-workers or my boss by name directly. With that said, I am very pissed today about my yearly merit increase that I got this year.
All during 2005 I was verbally promised that I would be taken care of for all of my efforts. The bank asked me to get four certifications, and I got them all. They asked that I keep my stats at a certain level so I went out and had the best statistics for any technician in the United States. Meaning out of all of the techs that JP Morgan Chase has in Illinois, New York, Ohio, Arizona, Texas, Wisconsin and Indiana my stats were better then anyone’s. Sometimes my competitive personality disorder can work to my advantage and this was one of those cases. I did over 1,100 hundred tickets last year. No one else in the Midwest was over 900. My survey’s returned by my clients averaged into a score of 94% satisfaction. (Anything over 90 is phenomenal.) I averaged over five calls a day and I openly volunteered to work a lot of weekends in Elgin and for DR testing.
So, as I was doing this my boss kept telling me that not only was I going to get a nice bump in salary but that I would also be getting a promotion. However, I never saw anything in writing but I trusted her. That would be a big mistake. In late November my bosses’ boss decided that he was moving back to Texas. So they promoted my bosses husband to be the District Manager. Thus, my boss had to find a new position in the bank because a wife cannot report to her husband. So, in early December I got a new supervisor. Now, I like my new boss, I think he is great and I can’t wait to start working for this guy.
However, since he was only my boss for a very short period of time in 2005 my old boss was going to do my review. Now, I still wasn’t worried because my old boss was the one making me all of these promises. So, last week I get my review. It was a BJ. I mean Linda Lovelace couldn’t have done a better job. I was getting so much smoke blown up my ass it was getting uncomfortable. My old and new boss were in the room and they were double-teaming me. As I was leaving my old boss said that they would know what kind of money we would be getting at a later date.
That later date was today. I get a page from new boss to meet him in his office to discuss my salary increase. So, I high tail it over to his desk and sit down. He then shows me my increase. It was 3% with no bonus. You see since the group, as a whole did not meet their numbers no one in GTI (the group that I work for) is getting a bonus. This is the first year since 1998 that I haven't gotten a bonus. He then went on to tell me that 3% was a pretty good raise, as some people didn’t get any raise at all. And this is when I got pissed.
I don’t care about other people. I outperformed other people. I did the math. 3% is like an extra $32 bucks a paycheck. So, I busted my ass went above and beyond the call of duty for 32 bucks. Also, that promotion I was promised didn't happen either. What made it even worse was that my old boss was not there. She didn’t have the balls to be there. So, who could I complain to? It is not my new bosses fault, as he did not have anything to do with my raise. You see in the current environment in Information Technology the basic feeling from employers is that be happy you have a job at all.
So, I ask you what I my incentive to go out and put up those numbers again? I mean what is the point? If my group misses one goal everyone gets screwed. To me this does not seem to be fair. The bank made billons last year and yet they still treat IT like a fucking dog. We cannot prove to the board of directors are actual worth so we are looked at as a liability, an expense. So, getting any money from them is like pulling teeth.
At this point I am not sure what I can do. I am kind of stuck in this sinking ship of a field. I desperately would like to get out, but how can I with a mortgage. There is no way I could afford to take even the slightest of pay cuts. So, I have to take the bullshit and say thank you while I am getting fist fucked in my anus by the Hulk. All of this depresses and pisses me off to no end. I know that a lot of people have it lot worse off but you know what, I don’t give a shit. I worked my ass off and I got screwed. I thought in America if you worked your ass off and played by the rules you would get ahead. I guess I thought wrong.
i'm sorry honey, get your mcse/a, you said you only need 2 more right? did you get my email with my id/password?
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