Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Nick's Christmas Weekend

I hope everyone had a nice holiday. Here is a brief rundown of how my holiday weekend went.

Saturday 12/24 – I started Christmas Eve watching a lot of football. I was in my fantasy football playoffs so I had a lot riding on the games. In between I ran and grabbed some chili lunch. Joyce was busy wrapping all the gifts and eventually we made our way to Joyce’s brother Alan’s house. He lives in the city near Roscoe and Cicero. There we ate dinner. (Including a Honey Baked Ham that we brought which was really good.) AJ, Joyce’s nephew was running around like any two year old on Christmas would. Eventually we got around to opening gifts. I got a tea maker, a nice flannel and some pajamas. I was feeling like crap so, we eventually headed home for the evening.

Sunday 12/25 – My brother met me at my house and along with Joyce the three of us were off to my Mom’s. There she has made us brunch. I had some French toast and orange juice. Then after eating we exchanged gifts. I got a real nice poker set and table. I can’t wait to use it. After the gift exchange we were off to my cousin Kristie’s house in Plainfield. As my brother put it boy, a name can say a lot about a town. It is way south and we eventually arrived at her house. There was dined on my Aunt’s turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes. The Bears game came on and I caught most of it there. Eventually, Joyce caught what I had so we headed home for the evening. Once home Joyce and I finally exchanged out gifts. I got a new coat, a gift card to Best Buy, some work shoes, gloves and a scarf.

Monday 12/26 – The pipe on my utility sink came loose so, after thinking that I had fixed it on Sunday, I would find out that it had cracked. So, I battled it for a large portion of the morning. I eventually got fed up and gave up and grabbed some lunch. It was kind of a waste of a day as Joyce was feeling sick and I just wanted to relax. I watched a lot of cable and eventually caught the Monday Night Football game, which much to my delight clinched a win for me and allowed me to win my football league for the first time. After playing for ten years this is the first time I’ve won the league so, I am pretty pumped.


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