Wednesday, September 27, 2006

America, Wake Up Already

Today I bought my Sun-Times and read it like usual. I got to page 38 and a story appeared that stated how and I don’t want to mis-quote here so I am going to pilfer this right from the story, “The war in Iraq has become a ''cause celebre'' for Islamic extremists, breeding deep resentment of the U.S. that probably will get worse before it gets better, federal intelligence analysts conclude in a report at odds with President Bush's portrayal of a world growing safer.”

It also went on to say that the threat from Islamic extremists has spread in both numbers and regions. There are so many things about this story that enrage me. First is the fact that it was buried on page 38 of the paper. The Sun-Times is considered the Liberal paper in Chicago and if the Liberal paper does not deem this story of more importance then page 38 then we have a serious problem.

But what really gives me the red ass, is that even with more evidence mounting of how bad of an idea this war was, the right still finds a way to defend this and spin it. If Bill Clinton had got us into this, the volume of bitching and moaning coming from the right would have been deafening. But now that it is their guy screwing the pooch all they do is blindly defend him.

Here is a news flash, we are not safer and we are much worse off now based on the actions of this administration. I for one don’t give two shits about partisan politics and all that other bullshit. The safety and security of our country is more important then every other issue put together. Bush played politics and got us into a war with Iraq based on real bad intelligence. He has created a lot more enemies of the United States by his actions. They all ready hated us so we go and put fuel on that fire.

All I hear is that Saddam was a dictator and gassed his own people. While I don’t doubt that and I of course think the guy was evil, I have to ask, how many innocent people did he kill and how many innocent people have we killed? Our hands are just as bloody. To say we are killing for a reason that is somehow noble, does not make much of a difference to someone who has lost a loved one over there.

Say what you want but facts are facts. To simply say well, we have not been attacked since 9/11 so, his policies are working is faulty logic. When a report comes out that lays it all out in plain English well then, I’m sorry that is the end of the bullshit and excuses. Sometimes when I think about all of this my head just wants to explode. How a political party has duped millions into believing that they are the party that will keep us safer from terrorists when facts are out there that show that it is just the opposite, just amazes me.

The Republicans are about selling fear and mis-information. By their logic, if they put so much out there and keep hammering home bullshit that eventually it will turn into fact. Sadly this strategy seems to be working because they keep winning elections. They use hot button issues like immigration, gay marriage, or abortion to divert the public’s attention over what is really going on.

I wish my party the Democrats knew how to take advantage of this but they don’t seem to. Everything I read says that in November we are going to win back the Senate and the House. Well, everything I read in September of 2004 was how Kerry was going to steamroll Bush in November and we all know how that turned out. But as long as the Liberal media keeps burying stories like this one and we all keep reading about Tom Cruise’s baby nothing is going to change.


Blogger ZombieDante said...

I was listening to Bill O’Reilly last night (yes, I like to listen to people I don't agree with) and that was the first thing he said in defense of the Bush Administration, that there have been no attacks in 5 years and we have to consider that when thinking about our President (although he was also willing to call Iraq a mess). Anyway, a caller reminded him that there were 8 years of no attacks between the first World Trade Center Bombing and 9/11. Salient point, but the long and short of it is that not a lot has changed in 5 years, except for some sacrificing of civil liberties, a lot of fear-mongering and the blood of countless American and Iraqi men and women spilled like coffee from a clumsy waiter's serving tray.

The last attempt at an attack was thwarted by good old-fashioned police work (thank you, Scotland Yard) and not a military action. People are right to be afraid, only they ought to fear the smiling men in suits as much as the ones in Muslim attire.

9:58 AM  

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