Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Dear God

I recently watched a documentary on HBO that shook me to my core about Christian society. It is called Friends with God. I am not what one would call a spiritual man. I never have been and yet somehow I can sleep at night. I don’t pray to an imaginary God for some insurance policy in the afterlife. I believe, when you die you are dead, end of story. There is no magical place up in the sky where everything is wonderful and all of life’s problems are no more. If others believe in these tales, great but leave me and the rest of society out of it.

Sadly, that is not the case with a lot of Christians. The leaders of these sects believe it is their duty to brain wash the rest of society. They feel it in their moral bound duty to do so. They spew their hate and intolerance on us all and justify it by quoting some random bible passage. The irony of course is that if you take anything away from the teachings in that book from the main character of the New Testament it is that, one should treat everyone as an equal, judge not, less ye be judged and tolerance and forgiveness is the path to heaven.

I guess with that message they can’t reason in their warped minds, their bigotry and hate of anything that isn’t just like them. Which is usually, white, dumb, boring and repressed. If something doesn’t fit neatly into their warped brain-washed mind, they figure out a way to demonize it. I have no problem if some hillbilly wants to live their life praying to a vengeful God. What I have a huge fucking problem with is when these dolts try and make everyone else live like they do.

So, they come out and protest abortion clinics and come up with groups that claim God hates fags. They then go and stand behind their ugliness by using the bible as their shield. All I know is that if there is a God, I hope he has a special place in Hell for assholes like this. I just want to stand up and scream, can’t we grow up already?

I was raised Catholic. I gave it a shot, but found the guilt and hypocrisy, too much to handle. Still the one thing I did get from all of that was that this Jesus dude, was pretty cool. He hung out with twelve other guys and a hooker. They went around and tried to do some good and he got nailed up on a cross for his effort.

As for the bible itself it is a hard read. Most of it reads as if it is a fairy tale, because well it is. The bible is not the word of God. It is man’s telling the story of their perceived word of God. So, to stand behind and profess hatred is well, missing the point. To take the bible as literal is foolish. The bible has a passage that claims it is acceptable to stone your children when they misbehave. It also contradicts itself all over the place. So, to take one passage and use that as a reason to persecute the gay community is in of it self a sin.

If you don’t want to go down and some other dude, then don’t. I personally am secure in my sexuality. I love women and always have. What someone does in the confines of their own bedroom is their business. As we have seen with the likes of the Rev. Haggard in Colorado, I feel part of this venom steams from the fact that some of these zealots are deeply in the closet. They are struggling with their own sexuality and over compensate. As if shouting how sinful homosexuality is somehow makes them even straighter.

On top of all that, to me the sickest part is the brainwashing of their children. These poor kids never have a chance. In that documentary they were telling the kids that since dinosaurs aren’t in the bible that they never existed. Also they are teaching them that evolution is wrong. The scary part is that these kids grow up to be adults and then become a part of society and we are forced to deal with more ignorance.

So, as a forward, rational thinking person, I am scarred shitless. When the inmates start to run the asylum, obvious problems arise. I don’t care what religion you are, when you start to take it too seriously that is how wars start. I want to live in a place where I can surf porn in the privacy of my own home and Steve and Steve can get married if they want to. As long as it doesn’t personally affect you I don’t see what the harm is.


Blogger 10withmop said...

Well, if the shoe fits.

8:32 AM  

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