I'm Still Angry
Here we go again.
Corporate Books – Is there anything worse than being forced to read a corporate book? America, stop making us read stupid corporate books. FISH, GOOD TO BE GREAT, WHO MOVED MY CHEESE, AND EXECUSION, are just some of the lame ass corporate idiots favorite reads. Horrible self help nonsense that wastes one’s time and makes idiots make even more idiotic decisions. FISH is the most obnoxious and annoying of all of these books. Let’s get this straight. Make work fun, make each day a happy day and choose a positive attitude and all of the sudden bingo all of life’s problems are solved. Only rich, white, middle aged, brain dead, clueless, jag offs read this shit and think they are on to something. Gee, make work fun and presto people will love their jobs. Well no shit. If it takes you reading this in a book to figure this out, please hand over you drivers license since you are unfit to operate a vehicle. Do you really feel that if you work some poor schlep to the bone, offer no overtime re-imbursement and make him spend less time at home, he will be happy. This book has nothing original in it to say so management, please make us stop reading this useless junk.
The Term Play Date - There is nothing more grating than hearing some supposed adult use the term “play date.” What happened to kids just getting together playing baseball or Barbie’s and having fun? Now, all of the sudden we need to schedule time to play? What the fuck is wrong with these yuppie ass parents and their attention magnets? Kids have stopped being kids all of the sudden. We have parents who start saving for college when they are in the womb and enroll them in karate class when they are four years old. Let kids make their own playtime and stop scheduling a time when it admissible to play.
Celine Dion – America, why in the hell is this freak a star? Of all the half assed singers out there why did you find it necessary to buy her records? First off, she is a complete loon. I’ve watched interviews with her where she makes about as much sense as Charles Manson. Secondly, her music is that lame ass white, soft love crap. Lastly, she takes herself way to seriously. So, please Celine for the good of all mankind, go far, far away. You’ve made enough money leave us alone and stop poluting us with your music.
Guys Who Need Expensive Cars to Get Laid – You know the type, they drive around in BMW’s or a tripped out Mustang and think that by doing a neutral drop off the line somehow gets women wet. When I was younger I used to call them Glamour Boy’s after a Living Colour song. They would drive around in their Mustang 5.0’s and think they were the shit. The thing is I don’t know who I hate more, those dolts who drive those cars or the women who are actually attracted to them. I have always prided myself in the fact that any ass I ever got was not based on my car but on my own charming personality.
Frat Boy’s - There is nothing worse than paying to have friends. It seems all these cretins are good for is date rapes and macho male bonding nonsense. When I was in college there was nothing I hated more than the IQ-challenged Greek letter-wearing dolts. Now that I am older I find it pathetic that these jagoff’s hold on to those outdated frat traditions like they are still in college. Grow up already, you’ll never be cool.
People Who Correct Their Names – I’ve been called Vince and Frank so many times in my life I stopped counting. It’s only a name. If I meet someone named Andrew and I call him Andy and he corrects by telling me it is Andrew, I politely nod and in my mind I say, “Well, I’ll just call you asshole.” Grow up already, who cares if people mis-pronounce or don’t call you by your full name.
Rush Limbaugh – While I could always simply write off this loud mouthed, racist boob as just that, I guess it bothers me that he has such a following. I want to scream at people that listen to him, wake up he is a liar and full of shit. He slants his show as to never allow a dissenting voice to be heard. He spews his venom and hate to the easily manipulated and they buy his bullshit. This is why we have so many red states, because this prick has brain washed the already brain dead hillbillies in this country. I hate no man more than this dick.
Yankee Fans who Don’t Live in New York – It was once said rooting for the Yankee’s is like rooting for IBM. I could not agree more. If you live in NY, hey good for you I have no issue with you being a Yankee fan. However, if you simply root for the Yankees because you want to root for a winner that is lame. It takes no backbone and shows no character to root for the Yankee’s. These people are obnoxious and need to be taught a lesson. Last year when they chocked it was great and hopefully there is more of that to come.
Will And Grace – I never found this show funny and now I find it simply grating. This show is so over the top it would need a fireman’s ladder to get down. They have a guest star on every week in a futile attempt to gain viewers. What does this say about the show itself when every week they feel the need to bring in a Cher or J-Lo to get viewers? This show represents everything I hate about network sitcoms.
I too disliked FISH and CHEESE and the latest crap is "Emotional Intelligence" all about touchy feely managers trying to embrace their employees emotional needs. Pure bullshit, give me my paycheck and have a nice life. Who writes this shit? Check it out, we have raised a generation of "authors" who never lost a Little League game beacuse the score was irrelevant and might have hurt little Johnnie's feelings. Little Johnnie got to play because "everyone" had to play regarless of merit. Gee, now these dolts are in the workplace and want to be treated the same way as when they were 8. There is no more valid treatment of people than the old cliched Golden Rule......treat people as you wish to be treated and they will love you, unless you wish to be treated like a slave and in that casee you have no business in a management position. Too many higher ups are just handed their positions. I am glad I started my worklife unloading trucks for a living. I have never forgot where I came from and although it's been a long time, I remember what it was like to be on the bottom rung of the corporate ladder. I am proud of my humble beginnings and don't need some bullshit book to tell me how to treat people.
Play dates? I never heard of that until I read your blog.....and they wonder why the world hates us?
I too have seen enough of Celine and I wish she were Dgone.
It has long been a truism that a man's choice of vehicles was really a representation of the size of his penis. The bigger and flashier the car, the smaller the boinker.
I too have been addressed as Frank and I too can give a shit less. The errant speaker will eventually discover the mistake and will forever more correct it without being embarassed by me.
Rush Limbaugh is an ass but so is Stepahnie Miller. Both embrace hate radio.
I'm sorry to say I like the Yankees........I've liked them since the 50's when I was a kid. Maybe it's beacuse they win all the time.....something I have never experienced as a Cub fan.
Never seen Will and Grace nor do I intend to.......
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