I realize I am in the minority but I hate inter-league play. I always have and I always will. I don’t care how much MLB tries to shove it down our throat, it was never needed and it is a gimmick. For every Cubs-White Sox matchup there is a Devil Rays – Nationals blockbuster.
Baseball survived over a hundred years without inter-league play. Not playing the other league is what made baseball unique. It is what separated it from the other sports. But the morons who run baseball back in 1997 decided it was time to end that tradition and start inter-league play. It was a bad idea then and it is a bad idea now.
First off, the two leagues play with different rules. Until the DH debate is settled we should stop having these games. The DH argument is for another writing. For so many reasons this is a rule that’s time has passed. So, start letting the AL pitchers bat. Until then in my opinion the AL has an unfair advantage. Now, I know the knee jerk baseball pundits will tell you otherwise. They will say the NL teams have the advantage because their pitchers hit all year. It is bullshit. All AL teams carry on their roster a player whose main job it is to DH. When an NL team goes into an American league city their DH is usually a backup. Meaning this guy isn’t good enough to start but he has to during inter-league play. Basically, the AL gets an extra hitter in thier lineups during inter-league play in AL parks.
Another reason I hate inter-league play is it has caused the decades old rivalries to cease. Geography has nothing to do with rivalries. It can, but it is rarely the only factor. I remember the 1980’s. It could be argued the Cub’s two biggest rivalries were against the Mets and the Philles. The Mets thing goes back to 1969 and the nauseating miracle Mets crap. In 1984 the Cubs got some vengeance by beating the Mets out to win the division. The Cubs and Phillies while always one sided was still a rivalry. Mike Schmidt is probably the biggest Cub killer in history. I think we single handily put that guy in the hall of fame. We routinely got our ass kicked by Philadelphia, so when we did beat them it was huge. Now, we play both teams six times. It is a joke. Since we have to have 18 games with the Pirates and all those inter-league games we don’t face our longtime rivals anymore and that is a shame.
Still one more reason I hate it, is that baseball didn’t need inter-league play. In 1993 the last season before there was a strike, MLB set an all-time attendance record. Baseball was starting to come back in 1996 even without this nonsense. The game, despite the boobs who run it will always have fans. It is the best game played and people have shown they love the sport. But, the powers that be needed a quick fix. So, they wrapped up Inter-league play and sold it to us as the cure all. What a load of bullshit.
They play the games in the summer. Right as school gets out. So, of course there is an attendance spike. Baseball loves to give you the line that attendance spikes during these games. The truth is attendance always increases as the weather is better and kids are out of school. Also, certain opponents will always increase attendance. The Yankees will draw on the road in Tampa. So is it no wonder they sell out in national league stadiums as well?
Lastly and this is from a personal point of view, the Cubs – Sox games brings out the worst in both sides of town. I have been to a lot of the games and it is down right embarrassing. The ugly and thuggish behavior that these matchups bring out in people is sad. It is just baseball but it seems too many shallow individuals it is all that they have got. As a Cub fan at the Cell I have been called things and hade obscene gestures hurled in my direction for no reason other then I had a Cubs hat on. I am sure it goes the same way at Wrigley. The Cubs and Sox used to share this town and good natured ribbing was welcomed. Sadly, thanks to inter-league games, that ribbing has turned real ugly.
Mercifully inter-league baseball wraps up this week. I know I am fighting a losing battle. It is not going away and it seems like a lot of casual baseball fans like it. Still, I miss playing the Mets. Things change and baseball no matter what is still a great game. I just wish the dolts who run the sport had the best interest in the game in mind when making decisions instead of how much money can they suck out of the product.
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