61. Urbandictionary.com – Where else could I learn what a Hot Karl and a Cincinnati Bow Tie are? At what other site could I find the definition for a Rusty Trombone and Jack Burn? I can guarantee that you won’t find what a Louisville Plugger and a Dirty Sanchez are anywhere else.
62. Peterson’s Salted Nut Roll – No that is not an act of perversion but a tasty treat. Basically it is peanuts with nugget in the middle. Not being much of a chocolate guy I got into the nut roll for a treat and have never looked back. If you have never had one, give it a whirl you might like them.
63. Neil Diamond – OK, bring it on all you haters. Liking Neil is so un-hip that it has become hip to like him. A great performer and song writer, his songs are filled with sing along lyrics and catchy hooks. Is he a musical god or musician’s musician, no. What he is, is a balls to the walls performer who knows how to write a good pop song.
64. Baking Soda – Here is a product I am convinced will cure cancer, because it does everything else. You can cook with it. You can use it as an antacid. You can use it as a deodorant. You can brush your teeth with it. You can use it to keep your refrigerator smelling fresh. There is nothing that this product can not do.
65. Stadium Movie Seating – How or why did we ever watch movies without stadium seating? No longer do you have to worry about someone sitting in front of you at a movie. I admit going to the movies can be a pain in the ass but this one invention has made the experience a lot more enjoyable.
66. Curb Your Enthusiasm – After watching this show you now know who the brains behind Seinfeld was. This show, which is completely unscripted, is consistently funny. Can Larry David be annoying or irritating, yes. But isn’t that the point? I find his antics to be hilarious and can’t wait for the new season.
67. Sprint Wireless PC Card – One of the cool things about my new job was they sprung for a wireless card for my laptop. With it I can get internet access wherever I am in the world. I know I sound like a geek, but it is pretty sweet. Now, when I am on the train I can fire up the laptop and surf the bestiality pages while riding home.
68. Potbelly’s – I have become a fan of this sub place. I used to always be a Jimmy Johns guy but, at some point I turned into a Potbelly’s man. My favorite being either the Wreck or the Italian sub. Also, the PB&J is a nice treat. All their sandwiches are good and heated and quite tasty.
69. 500 Rummy – I have been playing this game since I was in the womb. It is one of my favorite card games. It takes skill to be a good player and you also need a little luck. It is a game that rewards having balls. It also happens to be one of the card games that I am best at. In college my roommate and I would just keep playing an on-going game. I think we were up to like 15,000 by the end of the semester.
70. Miniature Golf – Back in the 80’s if you wanted to date Nick, more then likely you were going miniature golfing. Why, I still don’t know but it became like a ritual of mine to hit Haunted Trails and play some putt-putt. Why I thought the place was like Spanish fly I don’t know. I think because it involved doing something together with my date and if the conversation hit a lull I could always discuss the next hole or show my companion how to hold my club.
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