Friday, September 28, 2007

The Wrong Wing

The other day, I went by the Pit Rib House on Roberts Road to pick up some dinner. For those not familiar with the restaurant layout, it has two driveways to get into the parking lot. One is the entrance and the other, you guessed it is the exit. As I attempted to pull into the entrance, there was a large red SUV of some sort just sitting there blocking anyone attempting to pull in.

Because of this I was forced to sit on Roberts Road and wait for an opening in the exit lane of the parking lot. The asshole in the SUV just sat there either oblivious to the nuisance he was causing or he just didn’t give a shit. At long last, I sneaked into the exit and parked my car. As I walked towards the entrance I got behind the SUV that was causing the blockage. I got up behind him and got a look at his license plate cover and it all became crystal clear.

The license plate cover read, “You’re in a No Spin Zone” Bill O’Rielly Fox News. Instantly it all made sense. You see as a typical Republican he only cares about himself. Why worry about the countless others he was inconveniencing. As long as he was comfortable in his SUV, waiting for his fat ass wife to pay the bill everything was fine.

I can usually spot an asshole right winger like that within five minutes of talking to them. Here’s another example. I was on the Great Lakes Naval base for work awhile back dealing with this jagoff. He was a power whore and everyone in the base was kissing this asshole’s brown-eye. Everyone that is except me. He tried to intimidate me with his age old, outdated military bullshit attitude. To make a long story short, he wanted to have a ticketing printer (a printer that a third party vendor supplies. I do not provide it) setup a certain way. Unfortunately, the cable that the vendor left was not really long enough for what he wanted. I guess this fact wasn’t good enough for Sgt. Asshead.

I tried explaining this to him but he wanted none of it. Then I offered him an alternative where I could run the cable under a cube. The cable would have been exposed but he would have gotten the printer where he wanted it. His reply and I kid you not was this, “I don’t want this to look all Afro.” So, I hooked it up so as it wouldn’t look all “Afro” and told him to call the third party vendor to get a longer cable. As I was leaving I looked into this assholes cube and I saw the singed photo of George and Laura Bush that must be standard issue at the jag-off association meetings.

I hate to generalize here, because I know not every right winger thinks these ways, but when you see things like this it gives the stereotype credence. The Republican logic where they only concern themselves with things that directly affect them reeks of selfishness and greed. Forget about the rest of society, mine is mine. Fuck everything and everybody else. That kind of thinking has gotten us eight years of George W. Bush. You reap what you sew I guess.


Blogger Unknown said...

The good thing he is supporting the big oil companies that the Bush family owns by driving the SUV. Call it karma. It only makes sense if you make over a million dollars to be a republican but if you make less then I see no benefit to support the republican party

3:37 PM  

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