Thursday, December 11, 2008

Blog Hiatus

I’ve written about this before but the last couple weeks I have really been thinking about this subject more. Why do I waste my time writing a blog? I mean do I really think anyone gives a shit what my opinion is on anything? Am I that self absorbed where I delude myself into thinking that anyone bothers to even read the thing?

I read a lot of blogs. I am kind of a blog nerd. While there are far better ones out there, there are also a lot that are far worse. I put mine right smack dab in the middle. I am not a writer, I don’t pretend to be one and know my limitations enough to realize I will never be a professional. I am however opinionated. I would say that maybe I am opinionated to a fault.

In some ways I guess that is good and in others not so much. While I think everyone should have their beliefs and believe in them strongly, I guess having strong opinions can sometimes rub people the wrong way. At times, I am guilty of being very close minded when it comes to my feelings and don’t allow others to validate their beliefs. I consider their opinions invalid. I have this weird fixation with needing to always be right and trying to debate people about what they feel. That is wrong and I am trying to work on it. I am trying to be more inclusive and as much as a Jimmy Buffett record or Cowboy fan may irk me, I have to try to live and let live.

In the past, I used this little piece of cyber space to vent my beliefs (Like my hatred for all things ketchup) or to re-tell old war stores for the most part. Sometimes I wrote pretty good pieces and some others were just shit. But, I liked writing things here because it kept me sane. I could tell some story that made me laugh or vent about Jon Bon Jovi without fear of reprisal.

On the other hand, if I stopped writing my blog I doubt very much anyone would even notice. So, again I have to ask why even bother. I am almost embarrassed when anyone I know brings up the site. I guess I like to leave my blog on the internet and not really discuss it in person. The very rare occasions where someone compliments me on my writing I get almost self conscious about it.

As I have said, lately this has been on my mind a lot more then normal which has led to me posting less and less. Back in the day I could think of four or five different things to write about where now even when I think of something I don’t have the passion I once had for it.

With that in mind, I have been thinking of stopping altogether. Part of me still likes venting here and letting out my creative side. Another part of me thinks of this site as a chore. A chore I get no money from and waste a lot of time on. So, I think I will compromise and just post when things are really relevant to me. If something fires me up, then I will post my thoughts. This means less updates and I am ok with that. I went back and read some of my early blog posts and compared them to some current ones and it is easy to tell I had much more passion for it back in the day.

So, if the three people who read this, don’t see a ton of updates that doesn’t mean I am dead, it just means there is nothing I feel strongly about. I will still keep posting but I doubt it will be with the same regularity. Who knows, next week I may change my mind and be right back to posting three times a week. But, for now I am going to put the keyboard away for awhile and maybe I will get fired up again about writing on this old blog.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your dad, your brother, and I are not the only people who read your blog. I will miss your daily or weekly rambling of nonsense, especially when write about the people who pissed you off. It is just so hilarious because you have such a flair for making people laugh.-Joyce

2:08 PM  
Blogger 10withmop said...

But, this way the only one I can concentrate on making laugh is you.

2:37 PM  
Blogger ZombieDante said...

We’re more alike than I thought. I have these same thoughts all too often.

Anyway, I don’t blame you for taking the sabbatical, and maybe your blog has a limited audience, but so do most blogs. And yours always raises the dry smile. I’d say keep it going for my own selfish sake, but you do what’s right for you. Anyway, in the end it’s just a vanity page, like mine, but yours is certainly not the worst. Not by a long-shot.

9:55 AM  

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