Merry Nickmas
Every year, I write about why I hate Christmas. I guess I should amend that sentence. I don’t hate Christmas. Hate is a pretty strong word and I don’t think I hate the holiday, in fact there are many facets to it that I like. However, there are many more things about it, I dislike and for me personally, the bad outweighs the good.
But to prove that I am not a total Grinch and also to prove that those seven Kmart Christmases didn’t totally jade me I am going to list ten things about holiday that I do like. If you are someone who prefers me being the grumpy old man, then please read the post I wrote two years ago about things about this time of year that drive me nuts. Here is a link to that post
The Single Line – One of the best trends to start in the last couple of years is retail stores during the holidays having one huge line form and then having a store employee at the front of it directing the consumers to the next open register. This makes the line you are in move and it also prevents one (and I always do this) from picking the line with the old woman who will want a price check for the perceived dime overcharge and will then proceed to write a check for her purchase.
My Aunt Kathy’s Lasagna – My Mom and Aunt used to make the homemade ravioli for Xmas back in the day. They would roll the dough themselves and stuff them with ricotta cheese. But that is a pretty big undertaking so, I get that they decided to put a halt to that one. Now my Aunt uses the holiday to make some kick ass lasagna. Lasagna is always a gamble. I love it, but I never order it at a restaurant because more times than not it is not made to the high standards that I am used to. My Grandfather on my Mom’s side was a cook at an Italian restaurant and I believe this recipe is what was passed down to my Aunt and my Mom. Don’t believe me in how good it is, just ask my wife. She looks forward to it as much as I do now.
Hearing Do They Know it’s Christmas by Band Aid – I would say 95% of Christmas music is pure shit. However, there is still one song that I really dig that I look forward to hearing every winter and that is Do They know it’s Christmas. I guess it is stems from the fact that this one was recorded right in my wheel house. It sends me back to the early 1980’s when I watched MTV with regularity. (Nowadays I am not even sure what channel it is on anymore.) The Bob Geldof classic to help raise money for Africa is a catchy tune that one day I want to hear covered at our annual Xmas party. Which brings me to,
The Annual Christmas Party – Back in the mid 90’s when a number of my friends lived in the “log cabin” house in Oak Lawn a Christmas party was thrown. From that was spawned the annual Xmas celebration that Wally and Chris organize. It has turned from a nice house gathering into a party at usually The Grove which used to be Little Richie’s. One year according to legend we set the record at the bar for the most beer ever sold in one night. It is always a good time as it is a chance to catch up with friends that try as you might to stay in touch becomes difficult as responsibility sets in. Usually a band or two made up of our posse gets up on stage and puts on a rocking show. I look forward to it every year and I don’t think I have missed one since the inception.
Watching A Christmas Story – With all due respect to It’s A Wonderful Life, this is the quintessential film of the holidays. I have probably watched it a hundred times and I still laugh when Ralphie feels up the leg lamp. So many great moments in the film and so many great stories it is hard to pick a favorite. To think this movie kind of tanked when it was released. But, I guess that is what makes it a cult classic
Giving Gifts – I know it is passé to say this, but it fits for me. I much prefer giving gifts to getting them. I always feel awkward getting a gift and never know how to react when I open them. I get much more satisfaction watching someone open I gift that I (or for the most part Joyce) has picked out for them. Yes, shopping is brutal but with the invention of the internet it has become much more tolerable. Hell, when you buy something from Amazon they even give you the option of shipping it to you already wrapped.
Working – A lot of people prefer to take vacation Christmas week, not me. I love working this week. First off since so many people are off, it is slow as hell. I can use the time (like this year) to catch up on a bunch of stuff I put off because I didn’t have to deal with it. Also, the people that are here are all laid back with their minds already on spiked eggnog. This morning I got to work in almost half the time as there was no one on the streets. Back in the day the train was dead. I get it why many want these days off but, I love working this week.
The Deals – Retailers will usually give you humongous discounts this time of the year. Joyce and I are pricing flat screens televisions and the deals we are seeing are crazy. If you need to make a big purchase for yourself I highly suggest doing so if you can afford it to make it during the season. Preferably if you can get it done online thus avoiding the craziness of the store itself.
The German Christmas display at Daley Plaza in the Loop – With the exception of 1997, I had worked in the loop for every Christmas. A trip to the Xmas Village was a must. First you could rock some killer hot chocolate, with a bowl of cream of potato soup and a potato pancake. Then for desert you head into the heated shelter and a cup a glogg which would warm you right up. (And knock you on your ass if you weren’t careful.) I am stuck in Downers this year and didn’t make it downtown this Christmas. But, in years past it was something I always made sure I hit at least once.
Spending Time with the Family – For as much as I bitch about the travel (and trust me I do put in some miles) I do enjoy seeing everyone. First is the Francone Fest with my Dad. Usually we play a game or two of 500 rummy and our “boxes” game. Then we have a pot luck dinner where everyone brings one item. We have a grab bag and exchange gifts at some point in the evening. This usually is like a week or two before December 25th.
Then on Christmas Eve it is time to celebrate with my in laws. We usually hit my brother-in-law Alan’s house in the city. There we eat some ham (usually we bring a honey baked but this year Joyce is going to attempt to make a ham on her own) and some other assorted food. Then I usually put in some Uncle Nick time with our nephews AJ and Nathan. We rock some more gift giving and then I play with the toys I bought for the two boys.
On Christmas Day, it is time to hit my Mom’s side of the family. We usually start the day at my Mom’s house and eat some homemade breakfast and exchange gifts with her and Lou. We kick it there for awhile before we venture to Plainfield to my Cousin Kristie’s house. There we knock back my Aunt’s aforementioned lasagna and watch Danny and starting this year Matthew open their gifts. I then B.S. with my Uncle John and Lou as we try to fix all the problems that the Chicago sports teams are having.
The whole thing is a tradition that I know I will truly miss if and when it goes away. I still like to bitch about all the other stuff, but I know how lucky I truly am to have a great family (make that families) that make the Xmas days something to look forward to.